Many have always doubted if Jesus could truly come and be born as a normal human being and yet he is God.

in many cases, there has been a serious argument if Jesus is the child of God and if he is God himself in human form.

now, in one of my publications, I talked of spiritual beings in existence and I said that to see the things of the spirit, you must be you in spiritual form.

I went ahead and elaborated the reasons why you can’t see spiritual things in human nature, and what it takes one to see them. for example, I, ERASTUS, and my family sitting around the fireplace warming ourselves during cold times late in the evening, then a cockroach comes running to the fire, and I say to it, hey!! you!!, the fire will burn you to death!!, please don’t go there.

do you think the cockroach will understand this? no, unless I turn into a cockroach, then approach it and then use their language, that’s when it will see its fellow cockroach, will understand me, and finally save its life by turning away.

what am I trying to say here, I am trying to paint an image of understanding to you, so that you may see why Jesus came in human form. GOD is a spirit and if he used spiritual language then none of us could understand just as the cockroach could not understand.

so what happened here is that HE had to come in human form, use human language for us to understand what he was telling us but we could not understand. Now another thing was that Jesus could not just drop from heaven to earth of which he was able to do, but because it could have scared people. also, God wanted people to develop faith that there is heaven and whoever believes this, will surely get to see it, so Jesus is born normally for people to work on their faith and trust on their own to get to heaven.

So it forced Jesus to turn into the human body so that he could communicate in our language, for us to understand what he wanted us to hear. and this helped people because now they could see a fellow person speaking to them and understood his message to them.

after that, he went to heaven now live while the disciples saw it with their naked eyes and all the eyes that saw him go up, it’s the same way he will come again the second time. this really clearly showed that heaven is real and Jesus had only turned into human form in order to use a language all of us could understand.

now, God being a spirit, he was and he is capable of turning into anything he wishes to, just to convey his message. In the Bible, Genesis chapter one, states very well that the spirit of GOD was moving upon the faces of water.

the spirit of God here means the POWER of God. this means at the time of the creation of the universe, God was standing on the waters for his powers, which is the Holy Spirit, had arrested all the gravity and any other forces if at all they were there. I basically mean Jesus is part of GOD and that’s why he is the SON of God.

after him coming in human form, he spoke in human language men understood his message only that many failed to believe till today. those who understood his messages during that time before he went up to heaven, saved their lives.

but those who doubted lost it. even today we were sent the power of God, the Holy Spirit, to help us continue understanding God’s message to us and still many are still doubting.

John 3:16 explains it very well, and Jesus Christ loves that’s why he came and gave himself as a living sacrifice, a time of which you were to die due to your sins. but because of his love for you and me, he stepped in on our behalf.

Jesus loves you, shalom.

thankyou for reading, listening, following and purposing to love and accept Jesus as your personal saviour.






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