

 Many have always doubted if Jesus could truly come and be born as a normal human being and yet he is God. in many cases, there has been a serious argument if Jesus is the child of God and if he is God himself in human form. now, in one of my publications, I talked of spiritual beings in existence and I said that to see the things of the spirit, you must be you in spiritual form. I went ahead and elaborated the reasons why you can’t see spiritual things in human nature, and what it takes one to see them. for example, I, ERASTUS, and my family sitting around the fireplace warming ourselves during cold times late in the evening, then a cockroach comes running to the fire, and I say to it, hey!! you!!, the fire will burn you to death!!, please don’t go there. do you think the cockroach will understand this? no, unless I turn into a cockroach, then approach it and then use their language, that’s when it will see its fellow cockroach, will understand me, and finally save its life by turning
 The boy child is also working hard to earn a living through marketing. welcome to  Zamaradi sama enterprise.  click

Have you ever thought of this?

 How does death change your perspective? Its normal for anyone to wake up daily, work and make a life progress, unfortunately it’s always hard to discuss this Name DEATH 💀💀. For me mentioning it, changes the mood even the appetite to eat or drink. The issue is not death actually but what frightens here is, WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU AFTER THE PROCESS, HOW DOES IT FEEL WHEN BEING LAID DOWN AND COVERED WITH SOIL OR SLABS OR WHEN BEING CREMATED. Death in many cases when it occurs, there are many negative things that begins to happen in the family if the dead was the defender or breadwinner . At the same time, positive things may start happening in the family if the dead was a troublemaker or a problem to the family growth or progress. No body likes that name ‘Death’ not even discussion of the same. how about you?
 Iam ready to design for you a poster, flyer, gift card, and wedding card. feel free to leave a comment.

What went wrong?

 TAKE ME BACK Take me back to those days when salvation message was more important than prophecy. Take me back to those days when sex out of wedlock was seen as taboo not now when sex is an appreciation gift. Can I go back to those days when pregnancy outside marriage was a shame to families not now that it’s a way of life? Is there anybody who knows the road to those Days? When descent dressing was the identity of responsibility not now when there is no difference between a lunatic, a mechanic, and a sane person. Where are those days when the beauty of a woman was found in the proper dressing first, not now when an average woman wants to appear naked? Please can we find those days when divorce was a derogatory language among Christians, not today when broken marriages are celebrated? I wish I could go back to those days when true love was built on sacrifices and trust not now when love is hanging on sexual capability and money. Where are those days when men of God were afraid of God a

Unaware Loans

 There are many incidences almost all of us have been through with regrets without knowing. When you start paying for it, you may not know that it’s actually what you got from someone at one point. I know many of you are asking your self, the kind of loans am talking about here. This loans comes with too much interest while paying back. It’s never an easy thing when you start the payback process. I think I should just go straight to the point for you to understand why everything you do brings negative results or goes wrong. The BANK that LOANS you and pay in regrets there after according to my research, is one that seems ignored and it is not easy to know, it will take time to realize. In most cases, you will come to realize that actually someone loaned you when things are out of hand. It’s a serious thing and it’s eating up most families unaware. Some are paying back for what they never took or did . The name of the bank is called TEARS 😭 OF INNOCENCE. If you have ever made someone c

Save us.

 hello, when you read the title " SAVE US " what comes to your mind? economic issues, health matters, insecurities, or poverty?  these could be yes or no. actually, all of this is true but here I will be addressing the issues affecting both genders more so the boy child. so stay tuned.